
  • Ethics

    The journal adheres to and respects all the ethical principles regarding the scientific publishing. The received manuscript follows a clear protocol in order to identify the possible problems of ethics, similar to the existing international regulations.

    Main deviations

    The main deviations from ethics are the research fraud, plagiarism, improper authorship, submission of the same manuscript to more journals in the same time, conflict of interest.


    May have multiple forms, the most frequent are the use of an idea from published sources without mentioning the publication and the self-plagiarism, which uses parts from papers already published by author(s).

    The author’s improper contribution to manuscript

    To have the quality of author, a contributor to the paper must meet all the following demands: "substantial contributions to conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content and final approval of the version".